Blog Four Practices To Strengthen Your Intuition

Four Practices To Strengthen Your Intuition


Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without conscious reasoning. It is an inner knowing, a nudge, a gut feeling which comes from within your being.

Intuition is your inner guidance system. Helping you navigate this world of subtle energies.

What can cause you to not trust your intuition is when your mind or emotions start to try to dissect what you are receiving.

Another reason why you might not trust your intuition is that as you were younger, you used it and were told no that is not true. Or you could also have some type of beliefs that you need to be more logical and use your brain.

Your first instinct is usually the right one.

Your intuition is a superpower that you can use to support you in navigating the realm of energy as it relates to your business and your life.

These four practices will help you strengthen your intuition.

1. Working with Oracle Cards

This is probably my favorite way to start to tune into your intuition. Working with oracle or tarot cards. You can use either one. I would start by drawing one card for the day. Take time to look at the card and what it means for you. Here are some questions you can start to work with to help you understand that energy and messages of the cards.

RE-member, you receive and interpret energy in your own way. What someone may see, hear or feel may mean something completely different to someone else. Honor whatever wants to show up for you. Write down your first instincts and don't judge yourself. You might notice that you have a different interpretation than what the book my share with you and that is OK. You are learning how you interpret energy.  

Take time to get in a quiet place with your journal and tap into the card. Allow yourself to ask these questions and listen from within. Feel free to create your own questions to support you.

  • What does the card share with you?
  • How do you feel when you look at it?
  • Does anything pop out at you?
  • What do the images share with you?
  • If there are words, what do they mean to you?
  • Does the card remind you of anything?

Go about your day and at the end of the day, come back to your journal and the card and reflect on them.

2. Working with Crystals

Crystals are perfected geometric structures, made within earth. They have the ability to absorb, store and transmute energy. Particular crystals have energy vibration that work with your intuition. Helping you develop your intuition and tune into the subtle energies.

The two crystals I recommend working with the develop your intuition are amethyst and/or blue kyanite.

Amethyst: Helps to balance the mind, initiates wisdom and a greater understanding. It supports one in meditation. The purple color helps to balance the third eye chakra and attuning to its vibrational frequency.

Blue Kyanite: Great crystal for meditation. Attunes to the third eye chakra. Allows spiritual energy to flow through your thoughts.

There might be a different crystal that you feel connected to when it comes to using it for your intuition. Use that one. It will be your best choice to helping you tune in and trust yourself.

As always, follow your intuition on the best way to work with them.

3. Work with Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great way to enhance your intuitive abilities. You can work with them in meditation. You can also add them to your daily card pull and/or crystal self healing. I also encourage you to use the essential oil through out the day as well.

There are a few essential oils I recommend working with:

Roman Chamomile: Calms fears and opens the mind to truth

Clary Sage: Oil of Vision. Brings clarity, discernment and expansion into your third eye chakra.

Frankincense: Oil of Truth. Strengthens the connection with the Divine. Powerful cleanse of spiritual darkness.

Sandalwood: Oil of Devotion. Assist with meditation and spiritual practices. Helps to quiet the mind and hear the voice of Spirit.

There might be a different essential oil that you feel connected to when it comes to using it for your intuition. Use that one. It will be your best choice to helping you tune in and trust yourself.

4. Journal

A journal is important because it will help you keep track of the synchronicities around your intuition as well as track the energy healing tools that you use.

You get to determine what works for you, and what doesn't. Identify when you trust your intuition and when you don't. You get to understand and see your own patterns.

A journal can also help you identify your blocks that might be keeping you stuck from using your intuition or trusting yourself.

Find a journal that you love and dedicate it to developing your intuition. Maybe set an intention in there for what you desire to accomplish or what you wish to work on.

Choose a practice that you resonate and start to work with it. When you get comfortable, pick a new practice and add it in. Working with your intuition is the best way to guide and support you in any area of your life and business.


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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